Can Concrete5 help me?

Hello, I'm looking for a CMS to develop a site where all the content will be added by registered users.
The users will post info about different places in the city. Choosing a country, a city, entering the place name, a description, address, URL, locating it in Google maps, uploading a photo/s.
Then the anonymous visitors of the site should be able to make a good search through the posts, for example find me all the posts that talk about restaurants in Paris/France.

What do you think? Concrete5 can achieve that?

Thanks in advance.

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes! (short answer)

Yes! Tis the finest CMS in all the land(s). (long answer)

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
i concur with the above answer :P
jordanlev replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure I agree with the other posters. C5 tis the best in the land if it's only you and your own organization managing the site, but if you're talking about opening it up to the public, you're honestly not going to want to use any CMS for that -- it's just not the ideal situation they were designed for. Learning how to use the editing interface for concrete5 is easier than any other system, but it only makes sense in the context of you wanting to edit content on a site that you own -- it would be complete nonsense to someone who wants to just add a place name, description, url, and a few other fields -- how are they going to know to click on "Edit Page" and "Add to Main" and choose the right blocks from the list?

Now, you could build a custom package that provides a front-end interface to those users to enter such data, and if this is one feature in a larger site that is primarily information-oriented, than C5 might make sense. But if the site is only for accomplishing that one task, you're probably better of not using a CMS at all but rather a framework of some kind and building it out custom.

If you're a programmer, this shouldn't be a problem. If you're not a programmer, than unfortunately I don't think it's going to be possible to do what you want in the perfect way -- you might want to look to something more like a messageboard or forum though, perhaps vBulletin or phpBB.

silverado replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm a designer, few programming knowledgement. I've read very very good reviews abouy Concrete5 that's why I asked in your forum. For me the ideal would be to install the core and after adding some add-ons achive what I need.
Some of you say yes without a doubt and one says no :-( Who is right?
Maybe it can be done but doing a lot of hacking.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
The truth is somewhere in the middle. Yea you can build this type if thing with concrete5. You would use the single pages to create a custom ui for your site members, and still have the flexibility and power of in context editing across the whole site. Unless you're taking about making something as big as twitter or facebook, it does probably make sense to use an existing framework, and concrete5 will do a great job

That being said, no you can't build what you're talking about with just addons and no coding today. That should spark a lot of add on developers minds who are reading this, but in the meantime you're looking at a couple of weeks of dev time. You should consider posting to our free job board:


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Pecked out on an iPhone