Can two sites share members?

I have two sites that are on very similar topics. I might want to add more sites to this "group" of sites in the future.

My apologies because this might be one of those 'late at night' questions...

Is it possible to have a sort of 'group membership', so that if a user joins one site they are automatically a member of the second site (or more, if there are more sites in the group)?

I've been looking at the 'social login' and 'multiple domains' addon to see whether these will help.

I think I probably should have started the sites using the 'multiple domains' addon. If I need to do that, is there an easy way to migrate the sites in to it, or would everything from both sites have to be migrated manually?

[edit] I haven't looked into OpenID, I don't understand it well. My membership are mostly joining with specific domains, not many of them are using gmail, yahoo etc. [end of edit]

Many thanks in advance for any help.


Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
if you can host two sites on one concrete5 installation, it would obviously work. If you have two separate sites, it's going to get tricky, especially if you want to be able to sign up on both sites. If it's just one site, you could create a task which copies the users to the other server, but if it's bi-directional, you'd have to synchronize every action (signup, pwd change, profile update etc.).

I can't see an easy way to achieve this.
Mainio replied on at Permalink Reply
This is exactly one of the cases that Multiple Domains is great for. You'll get to have multiple domains within a single installation and all the assets of that installation (e.g. users and files) are shared with all these "sub sites".

Probably the easiest solution would be to migrate the 2 user databases into one as it would be a one time job and then start using Multiple Domains to serve those sites.

Of course, I'm biased since it's our add-on but I genuinely think this would be easier and faster solution than building the two way synchronization between the sites.
Remo replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not biased and definitely agree that a single multi-domain site is a lot less work!