can't add page
hi, anyone help with this? I'm getting this error when trying to add a page
An exception occurred while executing 'insert into Pages (cID siteTreeID ptID cParentID uID cInheritPermissionsFrom, cOverrideTemplatePermissions, cInheritPermissionsFromCID cDisplayOrder pkgID cIsActive) values (? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?) with params [361 null 5 null 1 TEMPLATE null 151 0 0 0]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column cParentID cannot be null
An exception occurred while executing 'insert into Pages (cID siteTreeID ptID cParentID uID cInheritPermissionsFrom, cOverrideTemplatePermissions, cInheritPermissionsFromCID cDisplayOrder pkgID cIsActive) values (? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?) with params [361 null 5 null 1 TEMPLATE null 151 0 0 0]: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column cParentID cannot be null
Thanks for your reply hutman, there is no page location in the composer, just 'add page'
After you click Add Page, you need to open the Composer Controls and select a Page Location on the screen that opens, otherwise the system doesn't know where to put your page.
Thats the problem, when I click 'add page' the error appears.
Did you by chance delete your "Drafts" page from the Full Sitemap?
You can check this by going to Dashboard -> Full Sitemap from the Options dropdown select "Include System Pages in Sitemap" and see if your "Drafts" folder is still under Home. This could also be a permissions problem if you put different permissions on that folder.
You can check this by going to Dashboard -> Full Sitemap from the Options dropdown select "Include System Pages in Sitemap" and see if your "Drafts" folder is still under Home. This could also be a permissions problem if you put different permissions on that folder.
Yes the 'drafts folders is there and the permissions look normal.
Is your site multilingual? It looks like there are several people who have had this issue with multilingual sites I believe there is a fix in this thread -
Actually you were correct, the 'drafts folder wasn't directly under Home, one I moved it voila!
Thank you so much for your help. Have a good evening and stay safe!
Thank you so much for your help. Have a good evening and stay safe!
Hi again hutman, I have another error. it actually occured when working on the site.
Class \Concrete\Core\Permission\Key\CategoryTreeNodeKey does not exist
Any ideas on this one?
Class \Concrete\Core\Permission\Key\CategoryTreeNodeKey does not exist
Any ideas on this one?
Does this file exist? concrete/src/Permission/Key/CategoryTreeNodeKey.php
where would I find it, in the 'Public' folder?
That's not something I can answer, that is a server specific question. Wherever your website files live there should be a concrete directory
Yes there is a Concrete folder on the server. All .php apart from db.xml.. does that help?
Does this file exist? concrete/src/Permission/Key/CategoryTreeNodeKey.php
No it doesn't
That's why you are getting that error then. You should download a copy of the version you have from and replace the concrete directory with the concrete directory from that download.
Thank you so much I'll give that a go.
Hi again, I seem to spend my life getting errors, I now have this one. any idea?
'_' is not a valid locale identifier
'_' is not a valid locale identifier
Is this a server DNS name change issue because it hasn't caught up yet?
I don't think DNS would have anything to do with this. As for your newest error I can't be sure what that is without the rest of the information. I would suggest you login to your dashboard and turn on "Output error information to site users" and "Show the debug error output" under System & Settings -> Debug Settings, that would give you a better idea where the errors are originating.
brilliant, there you go:
} else {
$this->set('error', array($this->token->getErrorMessage()));
public function debug_saved()
$this->set('message', t('Debug configuration saved.'));
public function debug_example()
\Config::set('concrete.log.errors', false);
\Config::set('concrete.debug.display_errors', true);
\Config::set('concrete.debug.detail', 'debug');
$_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'debug_example';
throw new ExampleException('Sample Debug Output!');
public function message_example()
\Config::set('concrete.log.errors', false);
\Config::set('concrete.debug.display_errors', true);
\Config::set('concrete.debug.detail', 'message');
$_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'debug_example';
throw new ExampleException('Sample Message Output!');
public function disabled_example()
\Config::set('concrete.log.errors', false);
\Config::set('concrete.debug.display_errors', false);
$_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'debug_example';
throw new ExampleException('Sample Disabled Output!');
} else {
$this->set('error', array($this->token->getErrorMessage()));
public function debug_saved()
$this->set('message', t('Debug configuration saved.'));
public function debug_example()
\Config::set('concrete.log.errors', false);
\Config::set('concrete.debug.display_errors', true);
\Config::set('concrete.debug.detail', 'debug');
$_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'debug_example';
throw new ExampleException('Sample Debug Output!');
public function message_example()
\Config::set('concrete.log.errors', false);
\Config::set('concrete.debug.display_errors', true);
\Config::set('concrete.debug.detail', 'message');
$_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'debug_example';
throw new ExampleException('Sample Message Output!');
public function disabled_example()
\Config::set('concrete.log.errors', false);
\Config::set('concrete.debug.display_errors', false);
$_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] = 'debug_example';
throw new ExampleException('Sample Disabled Output!');
Sorry, I'm not following. What is the actual error? In this case a screenshot is probably more helpful than copying and pasting the contents of the file.
This was the error: '_' is not a valid locale identifier.
Ive attached a screenshot, let me know if this is what you are asking for.
Ive attached a screenshot, let me know if this is what you are asking for.
Have a look at these threads and see if either one has an answer for you - It looks like this is a bug in v8.2.1 which is the one you're using, you could also try to upgrade to the newest 8.5.2 version.
Thank you again, i did actually find that thread. The solution seemed to be the following but im not sure how to do that.
For anyone else suffering from this issue, the way I overcame this for one concrete5 member was to edit the 'SiteLocales' table in the database and add ‘en’ in the msLanguage column and ‘GB’ in the msCountry column.
For anyone else suffering from this issue, the way I overcame this for one concrete5 member was to edit the 'SiteLocales' table in the database and add ‘en’ in the msLanguage column and ‘GB’ in the msCountry column.
Also when i check for updates there are none showing
In order to perform that update you will need to access the database through phpMyAdmin or something similar from your host, find the specified table and do what they say.
Unfortunately that version you are on was pretty buggy and I think one of the things that was buggy was the upgrade being broken. Here is the manual upgrade documentation -
I would strongly suggest the "Upgrading via the command line" option, but if you do not have SSH access or you do not feel comfortable then either the "Manual Dashboard Update" or the "Replacing the original concrete Directory" should be fine. I like the command line option because you can see it going through all the steps, it doesn't timeout, and you can see if there are errors and where the errors were.
Unfortunately that version you are on was pretty buggy and I think one of the things that was buggy was the upgrade being broken. Here is the manual upgrade documentation -
I would strongly suggest the "Upgrading via the command line" option, but if you do not have SSH access or you do not feel comfortable then either the "Manual Dashboard Update" or the "Replacing the original concrete Directory" should be fine. I like the command line option because you can see it going through all the steps, it doesn't timeout, and you can see if there are errors and where the errors were.
Thank you. Can i remove it from the host and ftp the latest Concrete5?
Sorry, I don't know what you're asking.
Sorry. Can i delete Concrete from my 'public' folder and use ftp to replace it with the latest version? Hope that makes sense.
I wouldn't delete it until you have successfully upgraded, then you can.
But ill have 2 versions of Concrete in the 'public folder' no?
I would strongly suggest renaming the folder you are uploading to concrete_8.5.2 then once the whole thing is uploaded rename the current to concrete_old and the new one from concrete_8.5.2 to concrete, then run your upgrade.
Do i run the upgrade from the Concrete dashboard? If so, why didn't it show up when I checked for updateS? Or is that the bug?
If you follow the instructions on that page, you can choose your method and it will tell you exactly what to do.
This error looks like you're missing a parent page selection.