Clients and high-res images

Hey developers!

I started this question last week and then decided not to finish, but once again, another client has another question regarding high-res images. My biggest headache with clients and C5 is high-res images. I'm sure most of us have experienced this at one point. One can't upload a 2,000kb and expect everything to go all (with great reason). Now in a perfect world, clients would know the difference between high-res images and web ready images. I've tried, tried, tried to explain and warn clients NOT to upload high-res images, but it never fails--one of them will do it.

Here's my question: how do other developers handle this? Hardly any of our clients own Photoshop. Some of them are taking photos on their smart phone and/or using Microsoft Paint. Is there an web based image software that you guys are recommending to your clients?

Core team, please, please, please, please, don't take this as a complaint. I love C5. I really do. I just know I'm not training people well enough. I was just wondering how other people try to take care of the issue.


goldhat replied on at Permalink Reply
I've had a few clients in the past who had this (and other) issues with images. I always found I could convince them to learn to crop/scale their photos first. Most knew how to do it, but had just been skipping it.

So I suppose the image uploader doesn't have an automatic scale? I think some systems have that... I'm relatively new to C5 but I love programming in it... on the user side of things, I think Drupal for instance has scaling during upload and I think you can set global settings so for maximum image size allowed.
rainmaker replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Goldhat!

I was wondering if other CMS's do that. I have very small experience with Wordpress, but I've always scaled down my images.

Thanks for responding!
SheldonB replied on at Permalink Reply
google picasa is a good(Free) exporter of images to an easy web based .jpg
(very simple just set the size and it basically dose the rest)

On a side note I have average client uploads between 10mb to 100mb of pdf to jpegs
The issue isn't with C5 as much as it is with the server timeouts and limits.

The biggest problem I have is page memory limit(if what the user uploads gets put into a gallery that then exceeds the allowable memory for a page)because of thumbnails this usually isn't an issue until after 30 to 50 thumbs (php.ini limits)

--- you might want to look at johnthefish add-on --
That can scale before upload
(It's pretty easy to create an (admin access page with simple steps)
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
If you put size constraints on the image block, it actually does resize the
image for you.

best wishes

Franz Maruna
CEO - PortlandLabs Inc
goldhat replied on at Permalink Reply
That scaling is great for placement and layout you have to get the file uploaded first, and if it's a huge file that part will fail in the file manager?
rainmaker replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey frz!

He beat me to the question. I don't have trouble restricting their size--just them uploading 2,000kb images. I believe it's crashed the File Manager in versions past and it crashes the page when it tries to get displayed.
rainmaker replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey SheldonB!

Thanks for the tip! I'll have to check out JohnTheFish's plugin. He's freakin' brilliant!