Completion date of Community Store

Can someone provide an update of ?. Eagerly waiting for its production release.

ramonleenders replied on at Permalink Reply
Community Store will remain on GitHub for now, there were plans on bringing it to the marketplace, but not at the moment. You can grab the latest version on GitHub and install it, should be production ready, it's just not in the marketplace (yet).
manup replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the prompt reply, really appreciate it !!
mnakalay replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
As far as I know, the developer made a conscious decision to never put it in the marketplace.

He fully supports and develops Community Store and constantly enhances it. But putting it in the marketplace means having contractual obligations that, if I'm not mistaken, he doesn't want to take on for this particular project because he might not always have the time to fulfill them.

Still, so far, he's really on top of things and it's definitely ready for production.
manup replied on at Permalink Reply
We need to get this resolved asap, because we are planing to build Community store related modules and sell through C5 marketplace. Other e-commerce solutions in the market are not developer friendly and complicated. Really wanted to get this into the marketplace ASAP.

I do like Core commerce for 5.x version I can give 10/10 rating, but community store i have only 7/10 rating.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Community store extensions can be approved for the marketplace. Usual marketplace requirements.
manup replied on at Permalink Reply
This is a Good news, Thank you John !!
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
The main risk to be aware of is that an addon cannot be accepted if it has issues that arise from Community Store until those issues are fixed. So any submission that falls into "My addon works, its CS that doesn't" can't be approved.

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