Concrete5.5 First Impression

Can concrete5.5 stacks be created and sold in the marketplace? And can they be created so that Javascript runs on whatever is inserted in the stack? Like placing an image an a FadeIn stack will make the image fade in using javascript. If this can't be done, then what's the point of stacks besides adding an easy way to copy/paste content?

12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
stacks can't be created and sold in the marketplace because they are a collection of individual blocks that are bundled up- so you aren't actually making anything, just bundling existing stuff. Javascript with blocks should be executed when inserting a stack into a page.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
12345j, I think you have sparked an interesting possibility. Could a package controller be used to create and populate a stack when the package is installed? Maybe this could be of use to theme packages.
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
yes, Im certain it could (though I don't have access to 5.5 yet).