Concrete5 Book

Hi :) Wanted to share the news that Remo is going to release a Book soon!

Worth it:

Language : English
Paperback : 298 pages [ 235mm x 191mm ]
Release Date : April 2011
ISBN : 1849514283
ISBN 13 : 978-1-84951-428-6
Author(s) : Remo Laubacher

myFullFlavour replied on at Permalink Reply
Cool! Would be cool to see this in the Kindle store as well :)

No obvious way to read a preview (i.e. select amount of pages from various chapters?)
Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
ha, nice! I'm a bit surprised by that since I've seen him on here less often lately. guess he's been spending all of his time writing :-)
dashaluna replied on at Permalink Reply
I've learned about the concrete5 last week and it sounds very exciting! Just ordered the book + pdf :) So hopefully will be developing with c5 soon.

Pritam replied on at Permalink Reply
Its a great book, I can assure that it should speed up the learning !!