Concrete5 demo reset script, anyone using this for 5.6?
I've used in the past the script posted by Andy here:
This worked really well for 5.5, but I've tried updating my demo system to 5.6 and the script doesn't seem to work the same. I get the wonderfully descriptive error message of:
Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0
Or, if I delete my site.php file, it just goes onto a normal install, without the automated install.
I can't seem to work out what needs to be edited here, has anyone used this reset script with 5.6?
This worked really well for 5.5, but I've tried updating my demo system to 5.6 and the script doesn't seem to work the same. I get the wonderfully descriptive error message of:
Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0
Or, if I delete my site.php file, it just goes onto a normal install, without the automated install.
I can't seem to work out what needs to be edited here, has anyone used this reset script with 5.6?