Concrete5 demo reset script, anyone using this for 5.6?

I've used in the past the script posted by Andy here:

This worked really well for 5.5, but I've tried updating my demo system to 5.6 and the script doesn't seem to work the same. I get the wonderfully descriptive error message of:

Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0

Or, if I delete my site.php file, it just goes onto a normal install, without the automated install.

I can't seem to work out what needs to be edited here, has anyone used this reset script with 5.6?


splashby replied on at Permalink Reply
I ran into a similar issue trying to make it work with latest version. I tried several times making changes within my basic code knowledge, but to no avail - kept getting fatal errors. Interested in this thread - hopefully someone smart might know a solution.