Concrete5 Forums broken in IE7
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Concrete5 Team,
Not sure if you are aware of this or if anyone else has this problem but in IE7 (I'm running 7.0.5730.13) whenever I try and respond to a post (or click on monitor post) on the forums I get this javascript error:
Line: 151
Char: 1
Error: 'ccmDiscussion' is undefined
Code: 0
and the dialog box doesnt pop up so I cant post anything. This just started happening within the last week or so. Just wanted to let you guys know about it.
Not sure if you are aware of this or if anyone else has this problem but in IE7 (I'm running 7.0.5730.13) whenever I try and respond to a post (or click on monitor post) on the forums I get this javascript error:
Line: 151
Char: 1
Error: 'ccmDiscussion' is undefined
Code: 0
and the dialog box doesnt pop up so I cant post anything. This just started happening within the last week or so. Just wanted to let you guys know about it.
There's a second thread out there with other folks having the same problem - "Concrete5 forum not working with IE". I have pointed them here.
I sent a message to the wrong folks (Service) on the Concrete5 team. I had some regrets for pinging them, but it's to the Concrete5 team's advantage to take a look at this. I received an impressively immediate and high-level reply, as follows:
Thanks for bringing that to our attention, we'll look into it right away.
best wishes
Franz Maruna