Concrete5 in .Net magazine Issue 233!
Hi Everyone,
Just a quick post to congratulate Concrete5 team on being featured in .Net magazine this month - great to see industry publications like this taking note of this fantastic CMS and will sure help introduce many to the wonders of C5...
If your interested, the article is about converting a HTML site into a Concrete5 one and is by Chris Torres - 4 whole pages too ;-)
Certainly worth checking out...
Enjoy, Lu \m/
Just a quick post to congratulate Concrete5 team on being featured in .Net magazine this month - great to see industry publications like this taking note of this fantastic CMS and will sure help introduce many to the wonders of C5...
If your interested, the article is about converting a HTML site into a Concrete5 one and is by Chris Torres - 4 whole pages too ;-)
Certainly worth checking out...
Enjoy, Lu \m/
Cheers, Lu