Concrete5 in New Zealand
Concrete5 has been growing rapidly over the past 18 months and there was a point back in 2010 that I had met (or at least knew of) each Concrete5 developer here.
For those who have discovered C5 over the past 18 months - Hello!
Full Flavour Media is a Concrete5 shop based in Tauranga specializing in Concrete5 development and Concrete5 website hosting.
We can lay claim to having a decent share marketshare in the amount of Concrete5 sites hosted in NZ - developed by ourselves or by colleagues we've partnered with.
If you are a Concrete5 user or developer in New Zealand - we would be interested in talking with you, it might be worthwhile to you just having our details on hand for local support.
So once again - hi !
Concrete5 has been growing rapidly over the past 18 months and there was a point back in 2010 that I had met (or at least knew of) each Concrete5 developer here.
For those who have discovered C5 over the past 18 months - Hello!
Full Flavour Media is a Concrete5 shop based in Tauranga specializing in Concrete5 development and Concrete5 website hosting.
We can lay claim to having a decent share marketshare in the amount of Concrete5 sites hosted in NZ - developed by ourselves or by colleagues we've partnered with.
If you are a Concrete5 user or developer in New Zealand - we would be interested in talking with you, it might be worthwhile to you just having our details on hand for local support.
So once again - hi !
Any webhost that can support wordpress or drupal should be able to support
It also can be installed via simplescripts or softaculous, two common on
click installers.
You should bug your favorite web host about including it more prominently.
best wishes
Franz Maruna
It also can be installed via simplescripts or softaculous, two common on
click installers.
You should bug your favorite web host about including it more prominently.
best wishes
Franz Maruna
Can you direct me to one or more Hosting Companies that support concrete5?