Concrete5 is the best! We want to give back!

So we have been using concrete5 for some of our projects and are slowly integrating our main website over.

So we decided to give back since we have received so so much!

For all concrete5 webdesigners/freelancers we will be issuing a 20% off per item!

Please come by our website at:

We are hopefully going to be integrating our webdesigner manager script with c5 one day, but for now we will continue to sell and improve our system.

Our manager is especially useful if you are a webdesigner because it allows you to manage projects easily, add invoices, upload detailed notes, send out notifications, etc. (A detailed list of features are at:

Thanks again C5 for saving all our CMS troubles. (Wordpress is such a pain).


GLS - Team

GetLiveScripts replied on at Permalink Reply
Here it is:


You save 20% off each item in our online store!
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey, if you looking to get more links to this 3rd party service, considering buying some space on our sponsors gauge at

GetLiveScripts replied on at Permalink Reply
Not bad we'll check it out!
