Concrete5 Screencasts


We are looking at producing a set of video screencasts - they'll be a slick product with maybe a set of 10-15 videos with the basics of editing a Concrete5 site.

Obviously we'll be providing these to our clients.

What I would like to know is


Would users here be interested in purchasing a set from us if we were to sell them all zipped up, ready for your website (in flash format)


The set custom branded for you with your company logo and and splash at the beginning and end of each vid. Once again, zipped for you in flash format but also with the mov files so you could upload to YouTube if you wanted (the non-branded will be prohibited from any site aside from your own).


How much you would be willing to pay for a set? For the non-branded? The custom-branded?

JCinch replied on at Permalink Reply

The first option

2) No, wouldn't pay.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
would love to have them submitted to the how-to section tho..
katz515 replied on at Permalink Reply
I understand what you are trying to do.

But I don't think it's gonna work really since concrete5 is edit through the actual page which design is completely different.

If the client needs the custom branded tutorial... the design tutorial may have be based on those themes specific.

It wouldn't sell as much as you could from WordPress or Joomla, which they admin panel never change the look.

Since I can create screencast by myself, I would (or hire someone) create the custom screencast specifically for the exact theme every time.
myFullFlavour replied on at Permalink Reply
RE: But I don't think it's gonna work really since concrete5 is edit through the actual page which design is completely different.

- Forgive me if I'm not correct but the UI - frontend with the clients themed site and backend dashboard - doesn't change in design appearance or functionality no? I don't see how this is an issue.

RE: Since I can create screencast by myself, I would (or hire someone) create the custom screencast specifically for the exact theme every time.

- Yep, and you should do this. But I'm guessing there are plenty of shops on here who want to outsource this job, get the videos up on their websites support section and move on to other tasks. That's the mind I had when looking at this and finding nothing available.