Concrete5 Swag - First Unboxing

Got my Concrete5 swag today. Thought I'd share my goodies with you.

In the Box-

Got my super bright 'Pushup-Pop Orange' tee- "You know when you've been tangoed!"- (It's possible only the Brits will get this.)

5 High quality, heavy-duty C5 Stickers - Possible fly-posting 'ASBO' on the way!

Fun & Friendly 'Waving Hand' C5 badge- It'll make random people wave back at me- How Friendly!

Super funky 'Rockstar' badge- Instant chick magnet. That's just how we roll!

Will be sporting my stylish Concrete5 attire at the next Concrete5 UK Meetup. With my new tee, they'll see me coming from a mile away.

Thanks Franz (& whoever boxed it and sent it on its merry way to Jolly Ol' Blighty)! So glad this one actually made it here this time!

Have a great Weekend,

Best wishes,

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