Concrete5 with suphp
I am currently working with a user that is configuring a concrete5 installation on one of my servers that is setup with suphp.
With suphp, the php process will run as the users account, instead of the account running the webserver software.
The problem I noticed is with some of the default umasks. For example, when you clear the cache the folders that it recreated are set to permissions of 700, which do not work in this scenario since the file needs to be globally readable.
Is there an easy way to adjust or change this in the configuration of concrete 5?
With suphp, the php process will run as the users account, instead of the account running the webserver software.
The problem I noticed is with some of the default umasks. For example, when you clear the cache the folders that it recreated are set to permissions of 700, which do not work in this scenario since the file needs to be globally readable.
Is there an easy way to adjust or change this in the configuration of concrete 5?
Why do file have to be readable by everyone? This is exactly what suPhp tries to avoid?
The php files do not, the problem is the css and image files that apache is grabbing over the www-data user, not the suphp users. Apache doesn't have permission to read them if they only have user permissions set.
Okay, maybe these changes help
They aren't officially released yet though!
They aren't officially released yet though!