Connecting to Concrete5
I'm a bit confused as to how I can connect my site back to the concrete5 community. It seems pretty straight up but when I enter my concrete5 username and password it says 'You must login with a username that is an owner or editor of this project.' I've used the same username that I logged into dashboard with and I created a new username. Both of which won't allow me to reconnect to concrete5.
Am I missing something? Any suggestions would be great!
I'm a bit confused as to how I can connect my site back to the concrete5 community. It seems pretty straight up but when I enter my concrete5 username and password it says 'You must login with a username that is an owner or editor of this project.' I've used the same username that I logged into dashboard with and I created a new username. Both of which won't allow me to reconnect to concrete5.
Am I missing something? Any suggestions would be great!
I created the rws216(the one I'm currently writing to you with) today and it won't let me connect this username to the site because it's not an owner or editor.
Is there a way to check to see what the owner username or editors accounts are?
Is there a way to check to see what the owner username or editors accounts are?
I'm not entirely sure I understand completely :(
Was the site created by you before you registered as rws216?
If so... were you(or anyone else involved in creating it)registered on Concrete5 under a different user name at the time?
Assuming that is the case:
It may be the case that the site has a project page already created under the previous/original C5 member log-in. If so, the ownership of the site can be transferred to rws216 from the original project page. Just have your rws216 username added as a contributor, then use the edit option in the project page sidebar to switch it to site owner instead of contributor.
I hope this helps
Was the site created by you before you registered as rws216?
If so... were you(or anyone else involved in creating it)registered on Concrete5 under a different user name at the time?
Assuming that is the case:
It may be the case that the site has a project page already created under the previous/original C5 member log-in. If so, the ownership of the site can be transferred to rws216 from the original project page. Just have your rws216 username added as a contributor, then use the edit option in the project page sidebar to switch it to site owner instead of contributor.
I hope this helps
I may be able to help. If you go to Dashboard > Sitewide Settings > Connect to Community there will be a link that reads "Visit project page".
What I need is the URL (address) that link goes to. In Firefox, an easy way to do this is to right-click it and choose "Copy Link Location".
Send me a private message with that link and I can look it up in our system and figure out who created the project. Then I can tell you who you'll need to log in as in order to manage the project page.
What I need is the URL (address) that link goes to. In Firefox, an easy way to do this is to right-click it and choose "Copy Link Location".
Send me a private message with that link and I can look it up in our system and figure out who created the project. Then I can tell you who you'll need to log in as in order to manage the project page.
It sounds like you're trying to connect with your Site user name. You are logging onto Concrete5 however when connecting to the community, so you need to enter your Concrete5 User name and PW instead.