contact page sending strange replies to my email

Hi all I am getting strange emails through my contact page on my website. It looks to be someones type of college reports or something of the sort. Different subjects but same format. Any ideas??? I am getting loaded down with 10-15 of these a day and it's driving me nuts. Email provider (1and1) states it is a website issue.

goodnightfirefly replied on at Permalink Reply
It is spam. Install the free anti-spam addon Honeypot , or another anti-spam add-on of your choosing.

The Honeypot method creates a hidden dummy field which humans don't see but spam-bots do. The contact form submission is not sent if this hidden field is filled out.
VitalHands replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok I feel really dumb. Honeypot? I downloaded the Honeypot and it shows a bunch of files. How do I apply it to the site? I'm sorry not so good with web sites.
goodnightfirefly replied on at Permalink Reply