Custom Attributes Sets in eCommerce


My checkout process is a little more complex than the standard one included in the eCommerce package. At the moments there are "Billing", "Shipping" and "Subtotal Modifiers".

We need to gather quite a bit of information on the customer for credit checks etc.

I'd like to have some custom Attribute Sets for "Applicants Details", "Contact Information - Address", "Employment Information", "Credit Check Consent" and so on. Each of these sets will have various attributes.

I found where the standard sets have been set up... in packages\core_commerce\controller.php, but before I go hacking at that, has anyone got any pointers?

It would be great if we could create Attribute Sets from the eCommerce dashboard.

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, we wanted EVERYTHING in the core to be powered by attribute sets, so that attributes could be grouped and then ordered in an extendable way - but ran out of time.

I would start by looking at packages/core_commerce/controller.php. It's large (especially because it is responsible for adding all the stock content you find in core commerce) but there you'll see the syntax for adding attribute sets programmatically, and assigning attributes to them. It's not commented very well (shocking) but I think our function names are pretty self-explanatory.
russellfeeed replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Andrew... I'll spend some time trawling through controller.php and if I figure it out I'll post my findings here.

I think it's important to have got eCommerce out in the wild so people can start finding out how it can be used and to start dreaming of new features. So I wouldn't say it was a case of running out of time.
rc255 replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Andrew, I'm hoping you might be able to point me in the right direction. I have set a 'customer choice' (text field) attribute that I wish to SET using a page variable. I have tried everything...

$product->setAttribute('storename', $storetitle );

is my best guess, but it is returning :

"Fatal error: Call to a member function setAttribute() on a non-object"

Is it possible to pass a hidden variable from a product page through to the cart page?

If I can just pass a hidden variable (customer choice) along with each product, I can split each product down to it's individual store page...

Thanks in advance for any pointers
