Dashboard UI Redesign

Is this something that I can maybe modify and submit to someone here to possibly be used in the next version? I'm a long time user of C5 on almost all my projects but I constantly change the UI to fit my clients brand style so I thought maybe a face-lift might be something that is reasonable for me to donate my time to.

If this is something anyone wants to see let me know and I'll get started on it, just looking for a thumbs up.

clintre replied on at Permalink Reply
I think this is a good idea. There are several things that are good to change for a client to make it fit their needs better.
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
you already can. add this code to your site_theme_paths.php
$v->setThemeByPath('/dashboard', 'mytheme');
you can change mytheme to whatever your chosen themes package handle is. you can also change the login, register, 404, and 403 pages in a similar way
$v->setThemeByPath('/page_not_found', "mytheme");

you should keep in mind that the dashboard has a very unique look and feel though.