Database Question
Does anyone know what this means:
It's from the PagePermissions/cgPermissions field in the database. I'm trying to understand why a person can have ownership of a page but be unable to edit it. I'm having to set ownership and permissions separately in the edit page mode. Seems logical if that if you own the page you should be able to edit it.
It's from the PagePermissions/cgPermissions field in the database. I'm trying to understand why a person can have ownership of a page but be unable to edit it. I'm having to set ownership and permissions separately in the edit page mode. Seems logical if that if you own the page you should be able to edit it.
r -> Can read page
rv -> Can read versions
wa -> Can write (change)
db -> Can delete block
dc -> Can delete collection (page)
av -> Can approve collection
adm -> Can admin collection (permissions.. etc)