Theme Footer Question

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I am a newbie, obviously and I am working in a theme, earthtone.

I have 3 questions:

1. How do I edit the footer???? I just want to get the concrete5 info. out and add that to a credit page and put my own info. in the footer.

2. How do I create a sub menu at the bottom?

3. How can I create hover buttons in the main nav at the top?

Sorry if this is elementary...but I need help. Frustrated.

Thank you to Jesus and anyone else who will assist!

12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
1. ftp to your site and then go to root/packages/tony_earthtones_leather/themes/earthtones_leather/elements and edit footer.php. you'll want to delete this code
<span class="powered-by"><?php echo t('Powered by ') ?><a href="">concrete5</a> / <?php echo t('Theme by ') ?><a href="">InnerOptics</a></span>
and input
    $a = new Area('Footer');

to create an editable area in edit mode. for the sub menu, once you have the new edit able area footer, click on add to footer and scroll down to auto nav and insert that. that'll give you a list of all your pages. finally,
#page #header ul.nav-header li a:hover{  background-image: url(images/headerlink.jpg); }
. this will look for an image called headerlink.jpg in your images folder, so just upload whatever you want there. this goes in minimalist_base.css using ftp. alternatively, you could just make all the changes after downloading the file and then upload it to root/packages.
SVijay replied on at Permalink Reply

1. In themes/tony_earthtone/elements/footer.php

you can change you footer and to create new area use the following code
<div id="footer">   
         $a = new Area('footer');

2. To create a sub menu you have to understand the navigation block. Visit the below given links it will help you

3. For creating hover button you need to do it with CSS
in minimalist_base.css
change the following line

#page #header ul.nav-header li a,#page #header ul.nav-header li a:hover{  /*color:#999999*/ }


#page #header ul.nav-header li a{  /*color:#999999*/ }
#page #header ul.nav-header li a:hover {color: red;}

and inside the a:hover you can do whatever you want in hover
6qcreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you all for the information.

I am still having a problem removing the footer where it says copyright 2010 concrete5. I am going to list this on a credit page, but need to get it out of the footer. Can someone just list, step by step in idiot form for me, how to do this? Also, all the information I'm reading people keep saying to make a copy of the theme before changing anything.......?
Can someone please, again, go step by step on how to do this?
Thank you thank you thank you in advance.
12345j replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You don't need to worry about copying. Anyway, FTP or use the file manager in channel to go to root/packages/tony earthwood leather /
theme/ earthwood leather / elements and open up footer.php. Then delete the span class pwered by, from he starting spannto the ending. And in the spot you deleted it put in the code I gave you earler
6qcreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Oh my goodness. Thank you for this. I have done it. I have officially baked you a cake. Thank you!!!!
6qcreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Ps - is there a way to stop concrete5 from pulling up in the info tab?
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
What info tab?
6qcreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Seriously, thank you again so much for your help.

In regards to this, in Windows Vista (yeah, I know...), the tabs that pull up still read
Concrete5 :: Home.

Now that the footer is clear is this just a matter of when it gets crawled again or is there still code somewhere that it's reading and I need to get rid of?

Thank you thank you thank you!
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
Dashboard/ site settings and here should be a text field for your site name set to concrete5, hange it and save it
6qcreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Again, thank you. You have been so outstanding.

Before you go, can you please point me to a tutorial or the right direction to add RSS to my site so others can subscribe?

Gracious Thanks.
12345j replied on at Permalink Reply
Rss displayer block is preloaded, there are several rss creators in the marketplace, and page list has an rss feature. Also, would you min marking this question as solved that means people looking for answers can look here and find the best answer easily.