Disappearing images after moving site

Just moved a c5 site from GoDaddy (thank goodness) to another host. I've moved about 5 c5 sites before with no problems -- flush the cache, migrate the files & database, adjust the site.php settings for the path & database -- usually no problems.

This time, the moved site is behaving badly. Images do not show up, even in the dashboard and the file manager.

Is this a permissions issue, perhaps? When I try to view an image in the browser using its actual path, I'm getting a 403 forbidden error.

Fernandos replied on at Permalink Reply
Check if you have chmodded the folders correctly. Usually a 644 for all and recursive 777 for /files /config /packages /updates and 755 for /concrete/libraries/3rdparty/htmldiff.py should be enough.

Doublecheck that.

If it still doesn't work you should have a look at your site.php maybe BASE_URL or DIR_REL is wrong.

btw. dude, white fits a lot better than the blue/white gradient to your avatar.. but it's at least a funny contrast :D
invision replied on at Permalink Reply
Never mind... is not a C5 issue.

Apparently, my host has a hotlinking control app in the cPanel to prevent people from linking to files (i.e. images) on that account.

Somehow, it got turned on, and the domain of the newly-added site was not added to the list. Bizarre.

Sorry for the panic. Your sets should return to normal now.

BTW, the avatar is from a larger image. Didn't feel like editing it just for C5 forums :)