Discussion Board Bugging Out

Hey Guys,

I can't get Discussion's to work properly. It might be a combination of permissions and bugs but I wanted to swing this past you guys for some ideas.

As an administrator, I can add, edit, delete posts with no problem.

I have set up advanced user permissions and on the main discussion board I have given the "Moderators" group the following access: Read, Admin. With the sub pages to inherit the pages permissions.

When logged in as a Moderator, I will try to add a page (Start Discussion). I'll full out the form then post. Then it hangs up and never populates the page with the post. If I refresh, then the post title will populate but the content will not show up. The same happens when I attempt to edit. If I try to delete, it kicks me to the home page without deleting the page.

I have already attempted to uninstall and reinstall the package with no effect.

Please help!

frz replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
post this to the support area for discussion forums and someone here will help you.