Display # of Downloads/Purchases for Items in Marketplace
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I think it would be great to list the number of times an item in the Marketplace has been downloaded/purchased somewhere on the item's overview page (maybe next to where it lists the rating?). For me, if I'm looking to purchase/download something I would like to see how many people have actually used it.
Anyone else have thoughts on this?
Anyone else have thoughts on this?

I like that, it would be really nice to see that,
i like the idea too, only problem I could see would be that less well known themes/addons might not get exposure since people would download more used themes/addons.
then they should be more useful? not trying to be harsh...but there are a lot of lower quality themes and addons...and speaking honestly...they belong on the bottom. just my opinion.
I like this idea.
It's more than obvious that the "most popular" sorting does not function. there are items up top that have ONE rating. lol how is that possible? the math is screwy there.
I would simply like to see better sorting.
I like this idea.
It's more than obvious that the "most popular" sorting does not function. there are items up top that have ONE rating. lol how is that possible? the math is screwy there.
I would simply like to see better sorting.
thinking less aboout those and more about newer themes/addons
I think they could have a "widget" for lack of better terms on the sidebar simply rotating newly added addons and themes as a means of promoting those for a short period of time. m2c.
I'm a bit adverse to that because it would publicize sales figures for each add-on, which package developers should have the option of keeping private if they choose to do so. If you made that info public, I can imagine that there may be people who try to duplicate the top selling packages, which might cannibalize the work that a lot of people have done, and water down the incentive for creating these things in the first place. I'm all for more competition on this stuff, but I think it should be done because other developers think that they can do a better job with a given problem. just my 2cents.
I like the idea that the devs can opt in/out but for free addons, there are no sales figures ($0) so i think it should really be on that
I would have to agree with Tony. Just because an add-on has more downloads, it doesn't mean it's better than an add-on that was just released, or is even more popular.
If an add-on has been around a long time it might have more purchases, but it might not be the best fit or better than something recently released. I don't think higher listing for older add-ons is a great way to spur competition, rather it would alienate new developers who feel they would never get ahead of the "old guard".
If an add-on has been around a long time it might have more purchases, but it might not be the best fit or better than something recently released. I don't think higher listing for older add-ons is a great way to spur competition, rather it would alienate new developers who feel they would never get ahead of the "old guard".
very valid point Tony. at least the option of doing so would be nice though.
I think that modeling it after the android marketplace download stats could work well. They use a range (Something like: 1-100 downloads / 100-500 / 501 - 1000 / 1000 - 5000)
Maybe an additional badge on the item with the download ranges.
Like thephilm mentioned....
Like thephilm mentioned....
i like that idea even better
I think it would be a good idea to show purchases - perhaps within a range. As an add-on developer myself I could see this being a double edged sword, but on the whole I think it is good for add-on developers and it would definitely be a win (assuming it's done right) for the user.
Speaking about poor quality add-ons with tons of downloads: a couple years ago I wrote a theme (Mint Chocolate Chip) as part of a competition to write as many themes as we could in two hours. Personally, I think the theme is pretty crappy but a while back I was amazed to find that it had like 1700 downloads or something (1925 as of now). Anyway, the point is that I agree that some sort of weighting or compensation for newer themes/add-ons would be in order.
Speaking about poor quality add-ons with tons of downloads: a couple years ago I wrote a theme (Mint Chocolate Chip) as part of a competition to write as many themes as we could in two hours. Personally, I think the theme is pretty crappy but a while back I was amazed to find that it had like 1700 downloads or something (1925 as of now). Anyway, the point is that I agree that some sort of weighting or compensation for newer themes/add-ons would be in order.
how about this, a point system? Each addon/theme badge gives you a certain amount of points. could all be automated. Recent adds 1st week gives 10, 2nd week gives 5, etc. Download numbers range have the same thing. Reviews affect tooo, 5 = +3, 4= +1, 3= no change, 2=-1, 1=-2,
could also factor in response times for support, page types(for themes) and a bunch of other factors for themes and addons. could factor in sort of like reccomended today, which i think frozennh pointed out the problems with. On each theme you could see the badges it has and so how it got its points. Make sense?
could also factor in response times for support, page types(for themes) and a bunch of other factors for themes and addons. could factor in sort of like reccomended today, which i think frozennh pointed out the problems with. On each theme you could see the badges it has and so how it got its points. Make sense?
Well wouldn't the user sort recently added. Unless I'm mistaken...
But if you think about it users can already review an addon and give it 1 star. How would this affect the addon?
It might even make it better....
Think about this an addon is sold 300 times and there is 3 really bad reviews... Now the purchaser has more information to process on where or not to purchase the addon.
Just my 2 cents...
But if you think about it users can already review an addon and give it 1 star. How would this affect the addon?
It might even make it better....
Think about this an addon is sold 300 times and there is 3 really bad reviews... Now the purchaser has more information to process on where or not to purchase the addon.
Just my 2 cents...
I like the idea of showing the # of downloads/sales. As a developer, it would help me to know what people want.
I agree with Chad that there some low quality themes out there (this is why I am not too keen on these contests which aim at quantity). I know you can sort by cost, but one way to distinguish the quality themes might be to create a separate "Premium Themes" section.
I agree with Chad that there some low quality themes out there (this is why I am not too keen on these contests which aim at quantity). I know you can sort by cost, but one way to distinguish the quality themes might be to create a separate "Premium Themes" section.
but who decides what are premium and what are not? lots of people have their own tastes as to that. And quantity based competitions increase the amount of themes in the marketplace, which means more people can find a theme that works for them. And more expensive themes aren't neccessarily the best.