eCommerce package and variable pricing

I'd be interested in getting some opinions on this...

I'm now starting my second Concrete5 eCommerce site and in both I'm having significant problems with lack of control over product pricing.

Latest one needs a combination of discounts depending on customer level, quantity chosen, price changes by size selected etc. The sort of thing needed in most eCommerce sites we've worked on.

So, appreciating that we're not trying to recreate Magento here, we need a simple way in which existing attributes (product, user, etc.) can be harnessed to modify price.

What I think I'm suggesting is a price modifer attribute be added for each ordered product.

This would need to be incorporated throughout the eCommerce package and used to calculate the ordered product price at every stage.

If this was available anyone could build a custom template or custom product block to modify the price in any esoteric way they chose and then to use the Concrete eCommerce package to process the order.

Does this approach have merit or is there a better way to move forward with variable product pricing?

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
yeah we've thought about this.. basically adding a new custom attribute type that lets you adjust price to be used at the order level...

we'd probably offer it as a select box, and also a check box...

they wouldn't have complex logic or anything (if choose Blue from list A, you CANT choose XXL from list B).. they'd just have adjustment values...

(Blue +2, XXL +1 = your product cost 3 more than it did before)

I think we'd also do a checkbox version of "add 20 for engraving" ..

and that'd probably do the job?

I dont think it'll take more than a day of good work to get there. Its on our roadmap in the big picture, but if you need it next week PM me and we can chat.

mindfulbits replied on at Permalink Reply
This is something I am also interested in, I need to sale the same item at different prices. I will have a photo in multiple sizes with each size being a different price, do you have an e.t.a./price for this option?

Thanks -
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
variable pricing should be out with the next version of ecom, end of march. It'll be part of core ecommerce so if you are already using it on a site it will be a free upgrade.
novologic replied on at Permalink Reply
Hey Frz,

I'm looking for this feature but cannot find it.

How can I setup variable pricing?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
check out the customer choices attributes. There's a few attributes you can add there that will modify the price of a product based on the customer choice.
bandit replied on at Permalink Reply
I am also trying to create variable pricing for a product. I went to Customer Choice, then chose SELECT-PRODUCT PRICE. I was not able to add any VALUES. All that showed was "handle" and "name". No lines for me to input the two different values. Is there a big of some sort?
jincmd replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there a way to have the price effected based on a percentage of the products original price

for example

Customer choice attribute type= SELECT-price
Name: size
value/price= small/45% , medium/20% off , large 5% off
RadiantWeb replied on at Permalink Reply
product multi option might be a good addon for you.
