Events & Confrences
Hi I'm new to Concrete5, I'm experienced in other CMS's. I am searching for events or conferences that people from the C5 community will be speaking at. Are there any near Chicago land?

There's a bunch of us in the twin cities, and more in omaha and around iowa. We've been floating around the idea of a big camping event next spring/summer.
Yes I was just reading, and was on your site for the Twin Cities.
My background is Joomla! I run a users group in WI.
I'm not interested in training. Expanding the community, getting involved, get the word out on C5. Find out more about the project from actual people rather than reading on the web.
My background is Joomla! I run a users group in WI.
I'm not interested in training. Expanding the community, getting involved, get the word out on C5. Find out more about the project from actual people rather than reading on the web.
Really the best place to get help and learn is on the IRC, most of the Twin Cities people Perry's talking about are on there all the time.
This stuff is in the works. we're dancin with a state side tour next summer...
in the meantime, online is probably your best bet.. there's good stuff in our training area:
in the meantime, online is probably your best bet.. there's good stuff in our training area:
I am a Joomla convert. Found Concrete5 and never looked back and the clients are like "WHAT editing can't be that easy?!?!?!?"
For the Twin Cities event, if I can make it I will (travel time is about 10 hours but would be worth it). Just wish we had more VA, NC and SC users. Trying to get the word out though :)
For the Twin Cities event, if I can make it I will (travel time is about 10 hours but would be worth it). Just wish we had more VA, NC and SC users. Trying to get the word out though :)
when we go on world tour its likely we'll hit a Carolina.