External form not working in 4.5

I just upgraded to 4.5 and ran into several bugs, the one I can't find a work around for is an external form block that worked in that is now preventing the page from doing anything (it's not even loading the header or any of the content) once the form is placed as a block. I have to revert to the previous version to see the page. Did anything change as far as requirements for the forms?

Here is the code I am using for the form:
<form id="calculate" action="http://mediafinishings.com/calculations.php" method="post" target="_blank">
<h2>Quick Pricing Form</h2>
<p>Enter the dimensions of the piece you want a ballpark price on and this form should shoot you out a price.</p>
   <input class="text" type="text" name="height" size="3" value="" id="height" /><label for="height">height</label> by <input class="text" type="text" size="3" name="width" value="" id="width" /><label for="width">width</label> in inches</dd>
   <dt><label for="printing">Printing</label></dt>
      <select name="printing" id="printing">
         <option value="supplied">Supplied</option>
         <option value="white-film">White film (glass,pleximounts &amp; bannerstands)</option>

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Do you get any PHP errors if you turn on error reporting in the dashboard?