Feature Request for Concrete5.org Marketplace
I'm not sure where the right place would be to post this, but I think it would be a cool upgrade/addition to the Concrete5 Marketplace if there was an option to add an Add-On/Theme to a "Wishlist"... ala Amazon.com. I often find myself considering several different Add-Ons that perform the same task... being able to select the best contenders and add them to a Wishlist so that I can easily get back to them would be pretty cool.
Anyone else think so, too?
- John
I'm not sure where the right place would be to post this, but I think it would be a cool upgrade/addition to the Concrete5 Marketplace if there was an option to add an Add-On/Theme to a "Wishlist"... ala Amazon.com. I often find myself considering several different Add-Ons that perform the same task... being able to select the best contenders and add them to a Wishlist so that I can easily get back to them would be pretty cool.
Anyone else think so, too?
- John
Another thing I think would be very beneficial is to have this:
any time you are viewing a product, to have a "similar products" lineup on the side for them to click to and check out.
believe it or not...some people don't know there are more than one Blog available. especially when you default the search to "recommended". which seemingly has no rhyme, reason, or logic to it by the way.
any time you are viewing a product, to have a "similar products" lineup on the side for them to click to and check out.
believe it or not...some people don't know there are more than one Blog available. especially when you default the search to "recommended". which seemingly has no rhyme, reason, or logic to it by the way.
best wishes
Franz Maruna
CEO - concrete5.org