Feature request | Resource/collection-based attribtues
Since this isn't a block request I wasn't sure if I should post this here, mods please feel free to move.
In the developers forum there is the odd post asking how to create an attribute type that gives existing C5 objects (pages, users, etc.) as selectable options. This seems like a fairly simple addition that could be very powerful. For example you might have a page that relates to another page or user, and the template could then provide a link.
Of course, by having just said it wouldn't be hard, I'm open to responses of "why don't you do it then". Well maybe I will, but if there's anyone out there with less to do than I have, please feel free in the meantime...
In the developers forum there is the odd post asking how to create an attribute type that gives existing C5 objects (pages, users, etc.) as selectable options. This seems like a fairly simple addition that could be very powerful. For example you might have a page that relates to another page or user, and the template could then provide a link.
Of course, by having just said it wouldn't be hard, I'm open to responses of "why don't you do it then". Well maybe I will, but if there's anyone out there with less to do than I have, please feel free in the meantime...