File manager

Just looking for tips on handling larger number of files. Do you use the built in file manager, or upload your media files (mp3, video, etc) or do you ftp them to an appropriate folder and access them there?


sceva replied on at Permalink Reply
I just realized there is a 2mb limit on uploads to the file manager... So anyone have any tips on handling larger media files?

ThemeGoodness replied on at Permalink Reply
It may be your php.ini limiting your file upload/post size. Do you have server access to this file?
sceva replied on at Permalink Reply
I do have a php.ini that I can edit. Currently it is at:

post_max_size = 8M
upload_max_filesize = 2M

I have some longer audio files that are 30-40mb. I don't mind not using the file manager, just trying to figure out what the best practices are. Thanks.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
change both of those to -1 it makes it so that there is no limit
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
Sounds like you have a handle on this, but this is as good a place to post this as any: if you're finding the files you're trying to add are too large, you can create a directory named "incoming/" within the files/ directory on your site. Upload files using an FTP client into this directory. Then, to import them, you can access the file manager, click on "More", and select the "Incoming" tab in the dialog box. That will list all the files in that directory, and allow you to import them into your concrete5 file manager.
sceva replied on at Permalink Reply
I will try the -1 changes...

Thanks also for the explanation of the "incoming/" feature. I had seen that option while uploading some files, but was clueless on its use.
sceva replied on at Permalink Reply
Did you mean -1M, or just -1? After I made the change things went wacky on the site. I then changed each of them to 200M and things are working ok now.
myFullFlavour replied on at Permalink Reply
On that note Andrew, how come concrete5 doesn't automatically create an 'incoming' folder?
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
No real reason - we ought to add it to the installation routine but just never have.
dfuchs2512 replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there any chance in a future release of the file manager to include something, that I can browse trough alle the folders on the server. Right now I have to use the /incoming folder. But there I just can use the files directly and no subfolders. This would be an helpful improvement to make custom file structure on the server and access this trought the file manager.


rritz replied on at Permalink Reply
where is the "more" button to click on, I can´t find it
and where is the php.ini file to be found?
hhockx replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Andrew,

I read your note on using the "incoming" directory for uploading files. In my (recent) install of concrete5 id did find the incoming directory in /concrete/files and was able to upload some images using FTP. Then I started the File Manager and couldn't find the 'More' option... Can you help me out?
Somehow the file manager doesn't let me use 'multiple uploads' (it produces an error message 500) and it's pretty frustrating to have to upload all those files one at a time.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
There should always be a more link in the file manager. There's no
link there? Can you post a screenshot? What version of concrete5 are
you running?

best wishes

Franz Maruna
andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
The "more" link others are referring to is actually "Upload Multiple," which I believe you've seen, since it contains the multiple upload and upload from incoming options. "More" was the label for the link awhile ago, but was changed in 5.4.1 or
hhockx replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Andrew, that's it! Problem solved!
mariesa replied on at Permalink Reply
I am also dealing with large amounts of files. I have some uploaded already. My client wants to swap out the existing photos with newly cropped photos with the same name and file extension. Is there a way to do a large batch change or FTP change to upload to update existing pictures in the file manager that are:

- being used in Ecommerce
- assigned to file sets
- being used in several other core C5 blocks

If there is an add-on that does this, we are open to paying for that too. Thanks for your help!