Gauging Interest in VAT/Sales Tax Management

Hi all,

I've been using Concrete5 for about five months and recently built my first site with the Concrete5 eComm module. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the package but have found that the sales tax model is a little bit lacking, more specifically, VAT.

In Canada, our federal government, in concert with a couple of provincial governments, decided to scrap the provincial sales tax and roll it into a "Harmonized Sales Tax" or "HST", essentially combining the provincial rate with the federal GST. I live in a province with no provincial tax, but now I am required to bill residents in the HST provinces the full HST rate, residents in my province GST only and anyone outside of the country is billed no tax.

I know the UK has several different VAT schemes that are also based on the customer status, not the vendor and therefore several tax levels are required.

Unfortunately, eComm currently only supports a single rate that can be applied to individual items.

I'm trying to gauge the interest on the forums in the creation of an eComm Add-on that would allow for sales taxes and VAT to be properly calculated for any jurisdiction on the globe. I have some experience in that I have designed the same sort of thing for our invoicing application,

Please chime in if this is something you or your clients are struggling with and if it would solve some issues.

As much as I'd like to make this a free add-on, I'm worried that the effort will not be trivial and it may have to be a paid add-on (for a while anyways). I'd be happy to work with one or more developers to implement a free add-on, if anyone is interested in working on it.

Sorry for the long post.

Ps I have talked briefly with Franz and he suggested the add-on route over integration directly into the eComm package.
