Getting $_GET and $_REQUEST Empty

Hello All,

I am getting $_GET and $_REQUEST Empty while editing blocks.

i checked in concrete/tools/edit_block_popup.php

can any one please let me know where value is resetting .

Url is ni console

Gondwana replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't think we're supposed to use $_REQUEST and $_GET directly in c5, perhaps because c5's routing, etc, can result in surprising $_REQUESTs. You may be able to obtain what you want from c5's 'request' and 'get' objects.
andrewjaff replied on at Permalink Reply
$c = Page::getByID($_REQUEST['cID'], 'RECENT');
$a = Area::get($c, $_REQUEST['arHandle']);
if (!is_object($a)) {
   die('Invalid Area');

This is the code written that file , and i debug there is no data in request . Thats why getting error while editing block.
andrewjaff replied on at Permalink Reply
Will anyone reply please ? this file is called when we add or edit block .
that is not custom code , c5 use ajax to add or edit blocks.

File calling seams fine but there is no data in GET or REQUEST .

Can anyone please let me know why ajax data is not coming on that file. even adding add , permission, anyting .
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply

For how to use the request object and how to access request parameters through it.
andrewjaff replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for replying.

But I have not written code and it is stable version . Concrete 5.6..3.5