Hello Concrete5

I am looking at developing intranet and marketing sites on concrete. a buddy of mine Ideasponge turned my on to this application. He is very excited about it. And if things go well i will be hiring him to do all the groovy work I intend to land promoting concrete5 to my customers and prospects.

I am waiting for him to come online so I can let him know I am finally looking at concrete5 seriously. I have been looking at wordpress and joomla, for intranet site applications, but they have admin based management. So I started looking at drupal which allows for management via the frontend, then i remembered c5, which did the same thing, and I already knew a great developer ready to build some stuff with it.

So here we go. I hope i get to know some of you here.

ideasponge replied on at Permalink Reply
lol nice. Good to see you here Sal.