HELP - Payment Form Resets when Submit is clicked

THE PROBLEM: When a customer fills out the form and presses "buy now" to purchase tickets from my clients website, instead of going to Paypal as they should, the customer stays on the same website page and the form just clears again.

This has happened a couple of weeks ago and when I cleared the C5 dashboard cache, it then seemed to work okay and thought it might just be a browser cache issue and it has been working up till now. But now it doesn't work at all (as above) and doesn't go through to PayPal as it should. I have tried testing and cleared 3 different browser caches (MAC Safari, Firefox and Chrome), plus the C5 clear cache, non of which make any difference.

I'd appreciate it if someone could have a look at let me know what they think please, as have had to take the payment form links offline and the client isn't happy. The web address is

The add-on is "Forms With PayPal / Credit Card Payment" but not getting any support from the developers so far.

Thank you guys
