Helpful Answers on this Site?
How exactly do the answers marked as "helpful" on this site actually help when searching the forums? Is there a way to restrict your search to those answers only? Do they factor more heavily into the relevance weighting? Or is it simply that, once you locate the thread, they are easier to spot visually because of the dashed red border?
I usually have better luck using Google to search this site, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something about C5's own search facility.
I usually have better luck using Google to search this site, so I'm wondering if I'm missing something about C5's own search facility.
Yeah, I mean the marked answer thing. I just thought there might be more to it than the red border.
the marked as answer and mark this thread as helpful stuff was added with the last rev of we built to start gathering some more meaningful data on these threads.
We have not incorporated them into search, or used them to build any top-10 type FAQ lists yet, but that is the eventual intention.
The pages in docs do have an "ask a question" functionality that actually posts the question in a relevant forum so people will find it, and then links to them from the doc pages with tags. We just did that because the guestbooks in the old docs were a nightmare to manage.
We have not incorporated them into search, or used them to build any top-10 type FAQ lists yet, but that is the eventual intention.
The pages in docs do have an "ask a question" functionality that actually posts the question in a relevant forum so people will find it, and then links to them from the doc pages with tags. We just did that because the guestbooks in the old docs were a nightmare to manage.
Thanks Franz,
I thought there might be more to it than meets the eye.
I thought there might be more to it than meets the eye.
or do you mean the marked as answer thing, i believe thats just so that ppl don't go scrolling through threads and say they couldn't find an answer even if there is one