Home page redirects to another website


I have been running a concrete5 website for the last two years. Haven't done a single update so far due to the workload of other projects.

The issue is that, most probably, my website has been hacked and whenever I am visiting the home page (root url-domain name) it redirects me to another website.

No luck in trying to access the login page (index.php/login), I get a page not found from the redirected website, not from concrete5 (my website).

c5 :
php : 7.0.33
database: MySQL

I am also using a custom theme based on bootstrap.

Could it be that if I change something in the database will revert things back to normal or do I have to do any updates?

Thank you for your kind support.

madesimplemedia replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you looked in the code to see if there is a php header redirect, meta refresh/redirect or other type in the html?
manos0 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you very much for your input.

The issue has been solved.

It was related to the Cloudflare service.

Somehow the account which had registered my domain name on Cloudflare was hacked and the domain was bound to another IP address instead of the proper one.

As a result, when my website was visited another website was appeared instead. I really don't get it and how it works in the background. I mean, when you buy a domain they provide an IP as well, how can it be that Cloudflare can relate a domain with a different IP than the one initial given to it?

I guess that this has nothing to do with concrete5 but it can be considered as a reference.

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you post the URL ?