Homepage of concrete5.org with redirection to others non-english C5 websites
What's up on this matter? Nearly One year has passed away. It would be appreciated to have on concrete5.org a sub-section under "Community", entitled "International Websites", with the listing of all languages (French, German, Spanish...) and link to their respective website. I think you can do that for now, until all the concrete5.org will be really international. Thanks!
"... The Homepage of concrete5.org SHOULD HAVE at the top of it a redirection to others non-english C5 websites (Japan, Italian, Spanish, French, German...). It has been suggested a few times in the past and I really think it's a must, to be more accessible for the non-english community..."
What's up on this matter? Nearly One year has passed away. It would be appreciated to have on concrete5.org a sub-section under "Community", entitled "International Websites", with the listing of all languages (French, German, Spanish...) and link to their respective website. I think you can do that for now, until all the concrete5.org will be really international. Thanks!
"... The Homepage of concrete5.org SHOULD HAVE at the top of it a redirection to others non-english C5 websites (Japan, Italian, Spanish, French, German...). It has been suggested a few times in the past and I really think it's a must, to be more accessible for the non-english community..."