how do i edit the last line on all pages..

Permalink 2 users found helpful
from the all rights reserved to concrete5 contact managment text

mose replied on at Permalink Reply
If the theme was installed from a package, that information is in <root>/packages/<yourtheme>/themes/<themename>/elements/footer.php.
lovell replied on at Permalink Reply
how do i edit the concrete5 Content Management part?
hypnoman replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I'm assuming you mean the concrete5 credits line in the footer.

In the themes directory of your installation you should have a local theme - if not copy the default from concrete/themes.

In the sub-directory elements, edit footer.php

The following line (probably line 2) is what you want to change:

<span class="powered-by"><a href="" title="<?php echo t('concrete5 open source CMS')?>"><?php echo t('concrete5 Content Management')?></a></span>
lovell replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the help.
mose replied on at Permalink Reply
If you find that one of the responses in this thread is the answer to your question, mark it as the answer.
lovell replied on at Permalink Reply
but the 2 of you did such a good job. sucks I only get to pick one... oh well. keep up the good work.. this is the best thing since paypal.