How do I remove Concrete5 Jquery Ui from Edit mod

The jquery UI provided by the system in edit mod crapping my site and I cant edit the content.
In order to overcome it what i did is hooking the events and remove it in a very ugly way. is there any other solution then what i did?
Also, removing the Jquery ui changed the "add block design"... )-:
class ThemeRender{
    public function start(){
    public function complete(){
        $content = ob_get_clean();
        $file = '/concrete/css/jquery.ui.css';
        $content = str_replace('/concrete/css/jquery.ui.css', '', $content);
        print $content;
Events::extend('on_render_complete', 'ThemeRender', 'complete');
Events::extend('on_before_render', 'ThemeRender', 'start');

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
A better solution would be to leave the C5 core alone and find out more about why you site cannot handle the C5 version of jQuery.UI css. Simply removing it will have all sorts of detrimental side effects within the dashboard.

If you have your own UI css on your pages as part of your theme, you should use theme roller to create a version that s prefixed specifically for the front end of your site (and can therefore coexist with the C5 css)
kidconcept replied on at Permalink Reply
Agreed. Though it would be nice if the jquery.ui.css that Concrete5 was using was also compartmentalized to avoid interference like this.