How to get to the new theme I bought using a different account in concrete5
I bought a new theme to refresh my current website. I started a new account with concrete5 and then bought the theme. I went to my website and now I can't get to that theme that I bought. What do I do?
You will need to disconnect your website from Concrete. Then, re-connect it with your new account, and it should be available to install.
You can actually share licenses between accounts. Here's a guide explaining how:
I have not made a project page for the new account. I'm not sure how to do that since I already have a website connected to concrete5 and I don't know where to download the new theme I bought. Should I just disconnect the other account and set it all up through the new one? If not, how would I make a project page for the new account and all I did was buy a new theme?
Project pages are for sites, they are created automatically when a site is connected to the community.
If your site, originally connected with "account A", has licenses attached to it and you have access to account A, then you should follow the guide I linked to. Basically, as account A, you go to the project page and add account B as a contributor. Then you log in as account B, go to the project page that you now have access to, and connect the theme license. You do all of this on
Hope that helps.
If your site, originally connected with "account A", has licenses attached to it and you have access to account A, then you should follow the guide I linked to. Basically, as account A, you go to the project page and add account B as a contributor. Then you log in as account B, go to the project page that you now have access to, and connect the theme license. You do all of this on
Hope that helps.