how to: send new/changed content as RSS?
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so far I am using cmsmadesimple. There I am able to post "news". These news I can make available as RSS feed to my visitors.
Can this be done in C5 already? Not show a RSS feed from some other site, but provide my own RSS of new pages / changes pages?
so far I am using cmsmadesimple. There I am able to post "news". These news I can make available as RSS feed to my visitors.
Can this be done in C5 already? Not show a RSS feed from some other site, but provide my own RSS of new pages / changes pages?

check out the page list block. you can point it to part of your site, or tell it to just look for specific types of pages throughout the site, and there is an option to make that available as a RSS feed.
thank you. It works and - for me - it seems to offer enough possibilities.
thank you. It works and - for me - it seems to offer enough possibilities.