html/css help needed

I know this isn't a Concrete5 question, but I need to get this solved before I can upgrade the existing html site to a C5 site and I am completely stumped on this.

I copied an existing static html website from the place where it has been hosted for several years to a new web account on a different server and when you look at the site on the new server the css page gets translated to Japanese and I have no idea why. I have looked at the UTF encoding and other things that I have found around the web related to this, and everything seems to be set right.

Site where it's been hosted for a lone time:
The account I created where the exact same files are located:

Before I can change the DNS to the new server and start working on the new C5 site, I need to get this figured out and it's driving me crazy. All I did was download the files from the old server and then upload them to the new one using FileZilla. I have never seen this happen before and I am hoping someone here has the solution.


sogren replied on at Permalink Reply
Got it figured's all working now with the html site. Now it's time to get to work on the Concrete5 site that will replace it!
Job replied on at Permalink Reply
Sometimes it's helpful to post what you did to solve it for historical reasons.
Countless times while I've been trying to solve problems by googling and come to threads where the original owner came back and said 'solved it' but then not say why which can be infuriating!

Just my 2 cents,

sogren replied on at Permalink Reply
What happened was the css file got corrupted when I uploaded it to the new server. So I saved it as simple text and then uploaded it again and voila! I was chasing my tail with the whole language thing for hours just barking up the wrong tree on that one...

One of the things I learned through this whole fiasco is corrupted text files (css or otherwise) can sometimes appear to a browser to be in another language and that's what got me going in the wrong direction. So, I re-saved the file to create an un-corrupted version and then put that on the new server.