I just want to say Concrete5 is awesome!

I've learned quite a bit at a leisurely pace this last month. I can't believe how easy, amazing and complete this CMS is.

Thank you! This is by far a better experience than I've had with ModX, CMS Made Simple, Joomla or Wordpress.

In fact, the other day, I StumbledUpon MovableType and the ONLY reason I thought maybe I would check it out later is because it looks sort of like Concrete5! From now on, this is the standard I will compare all other solutions to.

The only thing I am mildly worried about is how to back up a Concrete5 site. I'm guessing you just save a backup copy of your themes and then back up the database. You'd probably have to re-upload your packages and custom templates and view.php's, right?

jgarcia replied on at Permalink Reply
Couldn't agree more!

With regard to backup, davidMIRV's backup package works nicely, but it only backs up the database - not the files. That would need to be done outside of c5. The backup package will be included in the next release of C5 (v5.4)

zoinks replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! And wow C5 is even making backup easy!
elyon replied on at Permalink Reply
Backing up is actually included in Concrete 5.4, built-in, under "System & Maintenance"

You'd want to keep a copy of the /files directory and custom files you create like templates in the /blocks directory or themes in the /themes directory.

You shouldn't have to back up or upload your packages again, though, because packages you buy can be added to your site with a single click from the Dashboard. I find that it's easier to link a site with the Marketplace and install it from there than to handle it through FTP
frz replied on at Permalink Reply

dont be afraid of our testimonials page, i love seeing competitors names dropped disparagingly there. ;)
