Image Gallery

Is there a nice image gallery with categories? I'd like to have 7 or 8 categories. Then when you click on the category you see the gallery and maybe thumbnails to all the images or numbers to show how many images is in that category are shown.

I'd also like a back button that takes you back to the category list.

Tony replied on at Permalink Reply
not 100% sure what kind of interface you want, but a lot of galleries let you limit your results to a set, then you could place them on multiple pages with a pagelist block as their parent page?

or the image file search block lets you search by set, with a checkbox for each:

& todd's new gallery might have a way to filter based on sets too:
bryanlewis replied on at Permalink Reply
Yea I've thought about that as a solution too. Thanks Tony. I'll use one of these as my solution.
tbcrowe replied on at Permalink Reply
My gallery (tcPhotoGallery) might work for you. It allows photos to be categorized using file sets. You can also search/filter on several standard attributes and any number of other custom attributes. There's no built-in support for thumbnails, but it could be added with a custom template. On the other hand, it does show how many photos match the search criteria and allows you to page through them easily.