Image with hyperlink is not working. Very confused.

Hi all,

Needed some major advise. My skill set with CC5 is limited. I have an image that hyperlinks outside of the site. I have altered this hyperlink on many occasions to link to where it needs to at the time. Today however , I went to change the existing hyperlink with a new one. This to be precise

But what is happening is when I replace the hyperlink , and save the changes. Firstly the image in the block that has the hyperlink, the image slides all the way to the left of the block. To fix that , I need to use padding to shift the image back to centre of the block.

When I go and publish the page, and I went to click on the image with the new link , it redirects to this

Page Not Found
So it load my main domain with the new hyperlink tapped onto the end of it.

There has been two major changes within past 48 hours. In that there have been two sub-domains created. But the only change I have made within the CC5 site builder related to one of the sub-domains in which I added code to - settings- tracking code .

[ <script type="text/javascript">
var LHCChatOptions = {};
LHCChatOptions.opt = {widget_height:340,widget_width:300,popup_height:520,popup_width:500};
(function() {
var po = document.createElement('script'); po.type = 'text/javascript'; po.async = true;
var referrer = (document.referrer) ? encodeURIComponent(document.referrer.substr(document.referrer.indexOf('://')+1)) : '';
var location = (document.location) ? encodeURIComponent(window.location.href.substring(window.location.protocol.length)) : '';
po.src = '//'+referrer+'&l='+location;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);

One sub-domain had a forums installed. The other was sub-domain had , a live chat, tool, BOTS etc. The only change as mentioned was adding the above code which related to the livechat sub-domain.

Can anyone assist shed some light on this, as I am very confused at this point. I attached a short screen recording showing what happens if I have not explained it well enough.
P.s If you watch the video, just hit mute, there is a horrible noise a sound card issue.sorry.

If someone could assist , that would be very appreciated . Thanks !!!

1 Attachment

melange replied on at Permalink Reply
You will notice just above the image with the hyperlink in my first post
There is box of text above that says

Enter Counselling Room

I hyperlinked that just now with same URL as the image has and it redirected fine
melange replied on at Permalink Reply
I have found a work around for now.
I moved the image up into the above text box, and deleted the image with URL. Looks just the same. But if anyone can shed any light , Id love to here it