Imbedding Bitcoin Plus?
So I'm now onto this bit coin. Really hoping the C5 market place app will support bitcoin payments soon!
But I've also come across a few mining method's etc. and one allows you to run it on your website, so all user's browsing your site help you mine.
Apparently it uses very little and no one notice's it. But it can help larger site's recover a fraction of their costs?
Here's the site's link
What do you guy's think? A bit to much like malware to run on a public site without telling your visitors?
I'm unsure it it would even work with C5, but was sorta curious when I saw it.
Thanks for your opinion.
But I've also come across a few mining method's etc. and one allows you to run it on your website, so all user's browsing your site help you mine.
Apparently it uses very little and no one notice's it. But it can help larger site's recover a fraction of their costs?
Here's the site's link
What do you guy's think? A bit to much like malware to run on a public site without telling your visitors?
I'm unsure it it would even work with C5, but was sorta curious when I saw it.
Thanks for your opinion.
I wouldn't advise it for multiple reasons. The first being the ethical dilemma of hijacking a user's computer for something they did not intent it to be used for when visiting your site. Secondly, I would imagine that due to it using the CPU instead of GPU it would be very hard to imagine that it's going to generate you many bitcoins at all even with very large volumes of traffic. You're likely better off running ads than you are with a miner. Finally, you're adding one more thing that's going to hurt your site's performance. I'd say bad idea all around.
This is a bit of an old thread now but just researching bitcoin integrations for Concrete5 and found this... had to stop in and say seems like pure evil what a terrible idea. Imagine if every website you went to secretly hijacked your computer and started using it's CPU. Absolutely terrible. I'm sure Google will eventually mark sites that use this as dangerous so they are blocked. It should be considered malware.
If anyone embeds this without notification, it should clearly be considered malware. Fortunately, Chrome asks for permission to run Java before doing anything, so it should not go unnoticed.
I would agree to use this as a form of "donation" to something worth to support. Like - "leave your browser open to help support our cool thing."
But I stumbled over this when I was looking for a integration of bitcoin as a payment processor. Right now, payment hyperlinks must be created from within a processor (like bitpay)... maybe someone is up for that?
I would agree to use this as a form of "donation" to something worth to support. Like - "leave your browser open to help support our cool thing."
But I stumbled over this when I was looking for a integration of bitcoin as a payment processor. Right now, payment hyperlinks must be created from within a processor (like bitpay)... maybe someone is up for that?