information at the very bottom of the webpage

i am trying to finish a website for my tile business. i know nothing of code or most of the terms commonly used yet somehow got this far. at the bottom of the website it says copyright 2006/ your name / your html/dcarter/. could someone tell me how to edit this? i searched but could find nothing on this subject. thanks

matogertel replied on at Permalink Reply
That's part of your theme files. Depending on the theme you use and how you installed it, it could be either in PATH_TO_YOUR_SITE/themes/YOUR_THEME or PATH_TO_YOUR_SITE/packages/YOUR_THEME/themes/YOUR_THEME.
You'll have to look through all the files in that folder.
bcarone replied on at Permalink Reply
The best place (imo) to edit your footer is in your domainname/themes/themename/elements/footer.php file

The changes will be reflected throughout your site and can easily be edited
dbailey replied on at Permalink Reply
i am trying to edit my footer through, my website/packages/theme_touching/themes/touching/elements/footer/php. it tells me error505. i don't understand anything about code so this is really all greek to me. can anyone one help a site building novice?
hexacreative replied on at Permalink Reply
the footer must include this code :

<?php  defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); ?>
<?php  Loader::element('footer_required'); ?>
dbailey replied on at Permalink Reply
now i can't even access the existing footer code, it says access denied. any suggestions?
hexacreative replied on at Permalink Reply
where are you editing the footer?
on FTP or webserver(cpanel, etc...) ?
dbailey replied on at Permalink Reply
i am not editing only trying to find out how to edit. i was told in an earlier reply to edit footer by going through theme/packages/elements. i don't have a clue what i'm doing. can you help? thank you very much.

i tried to do it through the cpanel in page type under defaults but i get stuck after that.
hexacreative replied on at Permalink Reply
you can give me a website link and screenshoot ?

dbailey replied on at Permalink Reply
my website is i am navigating through the http address box: ingenuitytile/packages/themes_touching/themes/touching/elements/footer

at first it said error #500 or 505 (can't remember) now it says access denied

thank you very much
hexacreative replied on at Permalink Reply
login to cPanel.
And try to chmod(permission) all folders /packages, /themes and above them (not inside the concrete folder) into 775 or 777.

Maybe this help :)
