Is Concrete 5 going to be responsive by default?

Just a quickie, wondered what others were thinking with regards to C5 going responsive.

I've used Twitter Bootstrap and managed to integrate it reasonably successfully into Concrete5 but I'm not a huge fan.

Lately I've been tinkering with Zurb's Foundation and I like it a lot.

Just wondered what everyone else using?

jshannon replied on at Permalink Reply
I think c5 is somewhat agnostic in frameworks, and I think that's a good thing.

If your question is, "is the default theme that it ships with (e.g., greek yogurt, etc) going to be responsive?", I don't think anybody cares much... Relatively few use the default themes, and I don't think anybody is putting a lot of effort into the. As I'm sure you know, there are a ton of decent themes (some of which are responsive, some of which are free) in the marketplace.

If you're not talking about the default themes, then c5 (the code, not the people) doesn't care what kind of framework you use on top of it.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, any new themes we work on ourselves to include in the core will be
responsive. (So 5.7 )

best wishes

Franz Maruna
kappi replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Franz, that's great. As most of my clients and in fact the business and the world in general appear to be focussing on responsive design I think it's quite right that Concrete5 head in the same direction.

Thanks again