Is this something?

Just weighing up the competition. This one particular firm have built their own CMS. One thing they touch on is limiting how their client can amend the content. I take this to mean only allowing them to add text and not specify size and weight etc. I like this idea. Is it something C5 can do?

frz replied on at Permalink Reply
yes, turn on advanced permissions and you can lock down what block types can be added to which block areas by whom.

you can also limit what tool bars tinyMCE uses for the content block
tonyswaby replied on at Permalink Reply
Advanced permissions? where?
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
pop this in your /config/site.php
inside the php tags

define('PERMISSIONS_MODEL', 'advanced');

you cannot reverse back to simple
tonyswaby replied on at Permalink Reply
Didin't see any difference?
JimboJetset replied on at Permalink Reply
go to edit a page then look at permissions..
tonyswaby replied on at Permalink Reply
I see I get it. Sorry I'm still in Joomla land. So I set the primary permissions for the page in admin then set the block permissions on the edit page.

What about the WYSIWYG editor permissions for the user like in Joomla, so all they can do is add text?
JimboJetset replied on at Permalink Reply
you got me hopefully someone else will have the answer
tonyswaby replied on at Permalink Reply
Also can I stop the client touching the design element part of the block?

- or moving it or selecting a custom template?