Karma prize question.

Just won this past week's Promotion category Karma prize - thank you c5 crew, it was a lot of fun! My question though, is how do I claim the prize (a copy of Flash Gallery)? Every route I take (email link, message link on c5 site, link via my account on c5...) requires filling in my credit card info and etc. It's not that I don't think the Flash Gallery is worth the $35.00, but am I missing something?

Best regards,
Bert (not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth) Olton

frz replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
The license is already associated with your account.. Check your licenses from my acct

Best wishes,
(Pecked out on a mobile device...)
BertOlton replied on at Permalink Reply
Senior moment? Blind as a bat?...thanks Franz.
